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NEECA Spring Trail Ride Application

Saturday May 18, 2019 

Registration at 8:00 a.m., Ride-Out by 11:00 a.m.

Lunch included  Proof of Neg. Coggins required.  Three loops, 6-13.5 miles, NEHT sanctioned. 

DCR Lake Dennison Recreation Area





Emergency Contact Name & Number:



Horse’s Name:




Please fill out and send to: NEECA, c/o Margo Petracone, 600 West Street,  Barre, MA  01005


Make checks payable to “NEELMCC”, $25 (NEECA members) $35 (non-NEECA members)/rider

I hereby enter NEECA Spring Trail Ride, taking place at DCR Lake Dennison Recreation Area at my own risk.  In consideration of my being provided equine activities and/or being allowed access on private land, I release and agree to hold harmless and not to sue today and forever the New England Equestrian Center of Athol, New England Equestrian Land Management Conservation Corporation, the DCR, the owners of land on which I engage in equine activities, the persons in control of land on which I engage in equine activities, and the guests, invitees, business invitees, spouses, children, relatives, officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, ride personnel, and landowners, public or private (over whose land the ride may pass), and insiders of any of the foregoing from any suits or charges resulting from any accidents or losses, either caused by me or my horse, or to me , my horse, or my equipment including but limited to all “claims” that I now have or subsequently acquire by participating in equine activities.  The word “claims” has the meaning defined in 11 U.S.C. §101.  I further agree that it is my responsibility to have conditioned my horse properly to cope with any trail or weather condition that may be encountered.

USE OF HELMET:  It is recommended that all riders wear a helmet; all riders under the age of 18 MUST wear an approved ASTM helmet.  I agree that I am riding at my own risk.  I understand that trail riding can involve being in remote areas for extended periods of time, far from communication, transportation and medical facilities.  That these areas may have natural hazards which management cannot anticipate, identify, eliminate, modify, or control; that horses can be excitable, difficult to control and unpredictable, and that accidents can happen to anyone at any time.


This release and agreement not to sue applies even to claims for present and future negligence.


Under Massachusetts law, and equine professional is not liable for an injury to , or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to section 2D of chapter 128 of the General Laws.

This release and agreement not to sue applies to future claims and future equine activities, unless and until it is revoked in writing.  A revocation applies only to claims that accrue after the date of revocation from incidents that occur after the date of revocation.  I understand that I am not allowed to enter any land of any person unless this document is in full force and effect without alteration, amendment or change.  No person has the authority to alter, amend, or change the provisions of this document insofar as they benefit or might benefit the released person.

If a guardian of a person lacking legal capacity to contract signs this document, the signing person represent and warrants that he or she has the legal authority to bind the person on whose behalf he or she signs.

I agree to pay reasonable attorneys and expenses incurred by any and all persons benefiting from this document incurred in defending any action I bring against them in violation hereof.  This document is executed as the entire agreement of the undersigned as to the subject matter hereof under Massachusetts law as a sealed instrument.


Signature rider:_________________________________________________Date:___________


Printed name of rider: _____________________________________________

Signature of parent/guardian for participants under 18 years of age:



Date: _____________________________

NEELMCC reserves the right to keep and use any likenesses captured during this event for public relations purposes.


There is no address for the parking lot.  You can put King Philip Restaurant into your GPS then follow the directions below.

From the East

  1.  Get off Route 2 at exit 19.

  2. Stay to the left off the exit.

  3. Take an immediate right hand turn onto Royalston Road.

  4. Continue 4.27 miles to the end. 

  5. At the stop sign, take a left.

  6. .14 miles, take a right and go over the railroad tracks and the bridge.

  7. Take an immediate right onto River Road.

  8. .4 miles stay to the right on River Road.

  9. The road turns to dirt and you will pass through the gates onto state property.

  10. .67 miles and you will be there!!

From the West

  1. Get off Route 2 at exit 19.

  2. Stay to the right off the exit.

  3. Take an immediate left hand turn onto Royalston Road.

  4. Continue 4.27 miles to the end. 

  5. At the stop sign, take a left.

  6. .14 miles, take a right and go over the railroad tracks and the bridge.

  7. Take an immediate right onto River Road.

  8. .4 miles stay to the right on River Road.

  9. The road turns to dirt and you will pass through the gates onto state property.

  10. .67 miles and you will be there!!

From the north

  1.  Take Route 202 South through Winchendon, MA

  2. Continue through Baldwinville, south on Route 202. 

  3. When you come to the junction of Route 2 and Route 202, slow down.  Take Royalston Road on your right.

  4. Continue 4.27 miles to the end. 

  5. At the stop sign, take a left.

  6. .14 miles, take a right and go over the railroad tracks and the bridge.

  7. Take an immediate right onto River Road.

  8. .4 miles stay to the right on River Road.

  9. The road turns to dirt and you will pass through the gates onto state property.

  10. .67 miles and you will be there!!

From the south.

  1.  From Routes 32 or 202 coming north, find your way to Route 2 East.

  2. Get off Route 2 at exit 19.

  3. Stay to the right off the exit.

  4. Take an immediate left hand turn onto Royalston Road.

  5. Continue 4.27 miles to the end. 

  6. At the stop sign, take a left.

  7. .14 miles, take a right and go over the railroad tracks and the bridge.

  8. Take an immediate right onto River Road.

  9. .4 miles stay to the right on River Road.

  10. The road turns to dirt and you will pass through the gates onto state property.

  11. .67 miles and you will be there!!

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