Welcome to the NEECA Drivers!
These days are about learning, camaraderie, and just having FUN!
* Includes driving instruction in Pleasure, Dressage, Cones, and Obstacles
* Two groups during morning, based on level of experience of horse & driver

Join Us For Monthly Driving Days with Devin Burdick
Following dates on Monday morning from 10 a.m. until 3:30, with lunch break
April 14th, plus Tack Swap/Sale
May 5th
June 9th
July 14th
August 11th
September 8th and Driver Appreciation Lunch
$75 Member per day, $80 Non-Member
Register here. For more info, contact PamDeg2002@yahoo.com
Prepayment Required, please use PayPal button above
Click here for online waiver form
​ Martha Nicolls Drive/Review/Drive on Sat., May 3rd
Coney Baloney is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 11th