NEECA memberships run from Jan 1 - Dec 31 of each year.
Family (2 adults/1 child)-$50
Lifetime-$300 Individual
1. For your convenience you may now submit your membership renewal/application online, and pay your annual membership using Pay Pal link.
2. If you prefer to pay by check, print out copy of membership form here, and mail with your check made payable to NEECA, to Margo Petracone, 600 West Street, Barre, MA 01005
2. All members are required to fill out NEECA online waiver form. Please click here to fill out and submit waiver form before you submit your membership application.
Membership Fees Are Due At The Time of Membership Registration
*If you prefer to pay by check, please make payable to NEECA, and mail to: Margo Petracone, 600 West Street, Barre, MA 01005